Dr. Anup Kumar Panda graduated from Pune University and completed postgraduation in pediatric & preventive dentistry from Bapuji Dental College & Hospital,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. He is working as a professor, department of pediatric & preventive dentistry Padmashree Dr.D.Y.Patil Dental
College & Hospital, a serious attempt to spread his experience & educating the new pediatric dentist. His interest and love for understanding and working wit.
Dr Anup has the privilege of being the first Pedatric dentist in Navi Mumbai to have practiced exclusive Pediatric Dentistry.
Having done various courses in the field of Pediatric Dentistry, conscious sedation, hypnosis from India and abroad, he has over 10years
of exclusivity practice experience. His special interest is in child management, treating the Oral conditions of children below 5years and
children with special needs.
Lovingly known as “the dentist uncle” by the kids, he also runs a specialized Pediatric Dental Practice in Mumbai apart from being a
Consultant Pedodontist in various hospitals and clinics.